Lambert Sweet Brine O'Mine


Sweet Brine O' Mine is the Pork Injection and marinade used by World Champion BBQ Team Sweet Swine O' Mine. Mix Sweet Brine O' Mine powder with water and use as a competition quality inject or as a soak or marinade for your pork or chicken. Sweet Brine O' Mine combines traditional BBQ flavors with proven competition BBQ science. Sweet Brine O' Mine was bottled and sold after Memphis in May 2015 when i produced a 2nd place pork at Memphis in May and 1st place pork at the World Food Championships.
Ingredients: Sugar, Salt, worcestershire sauce, malodextrin, soy sauce, sodium phosphate, paprika, dehydrated garlic and onion, spices including chili pepper, natural apricot flavor, MSG, Sodium diacetate, celery seed, citric acid and not more than 2% tricalcium phosphate added to prevent caking.

ALLERGENS: Contains wheat, soy and sulfites.

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